Thursday, February 12, 2009

I'm back in business!!

So last night was another track workout, and I showed up ready to run. I'm glad I did, because I'm back to about 95% now. We did hill repeats last night, and after each one my knee started to bug me a little. But it was walking down the hill that killed it. After each repeat, I stretched out my IT band, and it was back to normal. After the hill repeats, we ran 1.5 miles around the track. I took my pace down to about 9:30, and just kept it slow and smooth. My knee is golden, it felt awesome and I'm so happy to be running again.

This also means I'll be running tonight with my Hood-To-Coast group at work. I'm very excited to begin the training for Hood-To-Coast, and can't wait to do it this year. I had an amazing experience last year, and this year should be even better.