Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Another Update.... to my countdowns

If you look at my countdowns again, you will notice that they have changed. I have, after long thought, pushed back my goals one year. I have made this choice because of everything that is happening this year. I am having a daughter in two months, and am trying to buy a home. Most of my determination and money, will be going into those. This is not a hard decision for me, because I have a great goal this year, the Chicago Marathon. But time and money are a constraint, and Steph and I have agreed to push the Ironman back one year. I will continue to train for the triathlon, and keep up as much as I can with the training. I will be cranking it out next year, and I know that I will have the support of my friends and family throughout this decision and the grueling regimen required to train for an Ironman.