Recently, a friend of mine wrote about this month of fitness challenge. He was talking to a frequent Ironman participant who does this once a year, and for a whole month, he gives up some of his vices and trains like a crazy person (my definition). Basically, you give up everything you enjoy for your health and fitness.
We have decided to do our month of fitness in January, first month of the year, and right after the holidays where we all cheat a bit. So my committment is as follows:
- I am going to give up soda pop and "junk food". What I mean by junk food is chips, snacks, candy, etc.
- I am setting my fitness goal as 16 hours per week in the gym, including weights. To be more specific, I'd like to get 2500 yards of swimming a week, 70 miles of cycling a week, and 20 miles of running a week. I realize this may require 2 a days, which shouldn't be too bad with my bike trainer and a treadmill in the garage.
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