Tuesday, February 10, 2009

My IT Band is broken!

So, After talking with a coach and my Father-In-Law, we all agree that it is my IT Band at fault for my knee injury. After speaking with my Father-In-Law over the weekend, he gave me some stretching advice as well as some ways to get rid of this. I've been following his advice and have been staying off my knee and stretching it out. I've also been using my roller and have been rolling out my IT Band. So far today, it feels great. I haven't gotten any of the sudden pains and it's felt strong walking around. I'll continue to roll it out tonight, and stretch it tomorrow.

I plan on attending the track workout for GFLF tomorrow, and will only run at about 50% to be safe, and make sure I'm ready to get back into action. If so, I plan on running Thursday afternoon with coworkers, and also have a long run planned on Saturday. My long run on Saturday is supposed to be 10 miles, but I will most likely trim it down to 8 or less. It all depends on how well my knee performs on Wednesday night, and possibly Thursday Afternoon.

I'm going to make it to the gym on Friday morning, and hopefully hit the bike. Hopefully my knee will appreciate the low impact exercise. I've continued to strength train, and work on my core during the injury. I was unable to do any legs, so i'm sure they will feel quite heavy on my first run.

In personal news, Steph and I had another doctors appointment and found out that the baby is perfectly normal and healthy. It was impressive how much they could tell about the baby and her health. I'm very happy to hear that my baby girl is healthy and I can't wait to meet her for the first time.